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One Schüttflix

Lara Martinschledde | Assistant to the Managing Director
One Schüttflix

Schüttflix is much more than the leading logistics platform for building materials. Schüttflix, that's WE, the 224 employees from 23 nations in now 4 countries and the idea to unite all process chains of the construction industry on a common platform.

In short: we are digitising the construction site.

Our managing directors Christian Hülsewig and Nils Klose invited us to Holland last week to define the goals for the coming years. We put our heads together and attended lots of workshops, because we know: Only those who understand the industry can offer the best solutions.

The team cohesion is outstanding, the heads full of ideas. Now it's a matter of: Keep putting horsepower on the road and always take it up a notch.

Because: #theskyisnotthelimit

Some Things to Help You Decide

This is what teamwork looks like with us

You've got to be able to treat yourself

For a successful application