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Office Warsaw

Get to know

Magdalena Tomczak | woj. Kujawsko-Pomorskie & Wielkopolskie

Where are we actually located?

Our co-working space is based in the Brain Embassy at the heart of Warsaw corporate region (Postępu 15, 02-676 Warsaw). Fun fact: this region used to be called “Mordor” (from J. R. R. Tolkien's book). Don’t be scared there are no orcs here… but only happy Schüttflixers!

What happens here...

Schüttflix Polish team headed by Michal Szkudlarek (Country Manager) consists of 14 people. On a daily basis, as the Operations Team and the Network Development Team, we work closely together to effectively grow big. Currently, we are most focused on expanding partner network, companies onboarding and implementing new projects.

Our co-working office is full of other start-ups and boosts creativity. The space is designed for more than just work. Are you tired of sitting at your desk? It's okay, you can ride a stationary bike and charge your laptop at the same time. However, if you get tired you can use the nap room. Dining together is our tradition. If we don't bring our lunches from home, we can pop out to eat something delicious at a close-by restaurant.

In addition to our Schüttflix office, there are several other hidden gems to see in Warsaw…

  1. The narrowest house in the world - Keret House (Żelazna 74)

  2. “Doll’s House” in the city centre (Hoża 70)

  3. Finnish houses (Jazdów Estate)

  4. The oldest photoplasticon in Europe (Aleje Jerozolimskie 51/9)

  5. The most popular palm tree in the city (Charles de Gaulle Roundabout)

Feel free to visit us in Warsaw. We are already looking forward to seeing you!